Jacob’s Faith by Lora Leigh
Just think, it all began with a spot of painful anal…

Just think, it all began with a spot of painful anal…
A wolf dude and a melodramatic bag of nerves have sex while her mother watches. The end.
Take out the overt sex fest, tame down the heat level, and all that’s left is a missed opportunity.
Just what is the story behind that hideous cover?
Ooh, this is the best entry so far in the series, with a genuine kick-ass heroine too.
Who knew that being in lust can be this complicated and aggravating?
Let’s go back to the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with Don’t Rape Me…
Since we need some love and positive feelings, let’s have an impromptu Lora Leigh festival! Teddypig kicks things off with a review full of love.
From creepy semen to vampire semen, this is one anthology that celebrates the creepier side of sexy.
Fun, but watch out for the plot.