Feast II: Sloppy Seconds (2008)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 10, 2010 in 2 Oogies, Film Reviews, Genre: Horror & Monster

Feast II: Sloppy Seconds (2008)
Feast II: Sloppy Seconds (2008)

Main cast: Jenny Wade (Honey Pie), Diane Ayala Goldner (Biker Queen), Chelsea Richards (Tat Girl), Melissa Reed (Tit Girl), Clu Gulager (Bartender), Martin Klebba (Thunder), Juan Longoria García (Lightning), William Prael (Hobo), Carl Anthony Payne (Slasher), Hanna Putnam (Secrets), and Tom Gulager (Greg Swank)
Director: John Gulager

Feast II: Sloppy Seconds is from the same team that brought the deliciously enjoyable Feast, only without the budget afforded by the Project Greenlight connection of the first film. It also has none of the ingenuity of the original movie.

Taking off from where the previous movie left off, we have Biker Queen and her bunch of mean-looking Biker Barbie ladies showing up in the scene of carnage of the previous movie, looking for Harley Mom. Of course, Harley Mom died a most humiliating death in the previous movie, and what is left of her is a hand gnawed by a dog. Biker Queen finds the hand and recognizes the tattoo on that hand. Enraged, she charges the area, discovering only the Bartender as the sole survivor left on the scene. The Bartender blames Harley Mom’s death on the other survivors from the previous movie – who left him behind for dead – and the Biker Gang drags him along to the next town in their quest for vengeance. They find the town besieged by the same type of monsters from the previous movie. They also find an old friend, Honey Pie, as well as new friends, including a pair of midget luchador siblings.

Feast II: Sloppy Seconds fails to do what the original movie succeeded in doing. In fact, it seems like a spoof of the original rather than a sequel. The balance between horror and comedy is off. Here, there is plenty of gore, but the gore isn’t scary as much as it is juvenile. The original movie worked very well because it not only has likable characters that get the audience rooting for them, only to then kill off those characters in a deliciously horrific defiance to horror movie tropes, it also has the sense to retain a likable character to ride off into the sunset. Here, the movie cheerfully introduces characters that come straight out of a circus and put them through various gruesome ordeals. As a result, all that gore feels pointless. I don’t care about the characters, there is no plot here to get me invested in the story, and therefore I am not moved by the movie even if it drenches itself with as much gore as it can cram into its length.

There is a classic shocking scene involving a baby that has to be seen, though.

Oh, and before I forget, this movie has a cliffhanger ending. You will have to watch the next movie to find out what happens to these bunch of circus freaks. If you care to.

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