The Perfect Couple (2000)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on April 6, 2024 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hunger

The Perfect Couple (2000) - The Hunger Season 2Main cast: Claudia Besso (Linda), Bruce Dinsmore (Jason), and David Bowie (The Host)
Director: Darrell Wasyk

oogie 2oogie 2

Linda and Jason first spot one another at an airport and are immediately attracted to the other person. Oh, how sweet.

A super creepy bag attendant thinks so too. He stalks them, determined to make them see that they are the perfect couple, and when he’s facing some challenge in getting through to them, gives them the ability to read the other person’s thoughts.

Oh boy.

Based on David J Schow’s story, The Perfect Couple makes it very apparent early on that this Cupid-like bloke is anything but benevolent, and the fellow’s creepy, unnaturally large smile only underscores the wrongness of that character.

Hence, there is little suspense here. I don’t know why they can’t try even a little to mislead me into thinking that this thing is a supernatural matchmaker, only to surprise me later on.

It’s not like they pad this episode with lots of soft core scenes either, just awkward conversations and subpar acting that make me wonder whether this is supposed to be a comedic episode and if yes, it’s certainly missing the point by a mile.

I gave the last few episodes three oogies begrudgingly as they have some merits to make up for the botched execution of the episode, but this one leaves me with no hesitation.

There is nothing good here to make up for the overall cringe and tedium of an episode that is determined to telegraph the ending to me from very early on.

I supposed this means the people behind this episode don’t know what they are doing?

I do know, though: two oogies for this one. It may not be a horrific one-oogie car crash, but it’s definitely not a good episode by any stretch of the imagination!

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