Winter’s Shadow by Virginia Cavanaugh

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 13, 2010 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Winter's Shadow by Virginia Cavanaugh
Winter’s Shadow by Virginia Cavanaugh

Liquid Silver Books, $5.50, ISBN 978-1-59578-785-9
Contemporary Romance, 2010


Julia Floyd has come home to Edinboro, Pennsylvania, to make a new start. She finds herself staying at a B&B owned by – who else? – her teenage sweetheart Mark Webb. You can guess what happens between the two of them. In addition to Julia being scarred badly in her previous marriage, they face another obstacle in the way of their happily ever after when Julia’s past catches up with her.

Winter’s Shadow is a familiar story of an abuse survivor who runs back to her hometown to find love again with the nice guy she left behind. In fact, the only thing that deviates from the script is Mark owning a B&B instead of being the local sheriff. But he used to be a cop until his parents died, so he’s not that different, heh. The villain is over-the-top nasty, again a predictable turn of event.

Still, the romance feels tangible and real. The author has developed Julia and Mark nicely, making them likable sorts who deserve a happy ending after all the unhappy angst they have experienced in their lives.

All things considered, Winter’s Shadow is a decent read. There’s not much to say about it because it is a solid rehash of a staple story that has been done many times before in the romance genre. I don’t regret spending time on this story, but I also suspect that I will not remember much of this story a few days from now.

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