Treasure Planet (2002)
This is a beautiful reimagining of a childhood classic that is, in one word, breathtaking.
This is a beautiful reimagining of a childhood classic that is, in one word, breathtaking.
Catholic authority figures are evil. What else is new?
All the whine and moan you can enjoy from a privileged white kid who thinks the world owes him everything.
Yes, I like this movie. Shut up. It’s romantic, okay?
Sequels can be so unnecessary and a waste of time, even.
This movie is so wholesome, I feel nauseated.
The music is good. The movie… well, it’s okay, I suppose.
Can’t Steven Spielberg do a movie that doesn’t reek of heavy-handed pretentious twattery?
Let’s bash on the French hos in the lamest way possible!
A pretty fake woman can cause so much trouble. Who knew?