Rock Hard Bodyguard by Alexis Abbott
It’s okay as long as no one is expecting a bodyguard story.
It’s okay as long as no one is expecting a bodyguard story.
There are aliens in the fish tank… wait, what?
If you want a wholesome time of oohs and aahs, come on in. If you want compelling drama, well, keep going.
Arrogant auditor crashes a subway tunnel maintenance operations and gets his just desserts.
Come laugh at how kids in a safe place can still melt down and off themselves because they are such useless idiots.
It’s a zombie apocalypse out there, and yet the human characters are the most implausible things in this one.
Those scummy doctors are wrong. Cancer is caused by alien slug babies!
Ben Stiller’s family shows up here as a family of werewolves welcoming a guest… or is it dinner?
Why can’t Raphael Sbarge look like Kaidan Alenko?
Boy meets a creepy old reptile and they do weird stuff in the basement. Wait, not like that.