Cellmates (1990)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on March 17, 2023 in 4 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Monsters

Cellmates (1990) - Monsters Season 3

Main cast: Maxwell Caulfield (Timothy Danforth), Ferdinand Mayne (Old Diego), David Sage (Timothy’s Lawyer), and Geno Silva (Prison Guard)
Director: Stephen Tolkin

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Timothy Danforth, a stereotypical wealthy and super obnoxious American in some South American country, is thrown into jail for running down some kid and trying to resist arrest. While acting up a storm, his elderly neighbor cellmate points out that Timothy is thrown into a cell normally reserved for the worst lowlifes in town, and nobody that is in that cell makes it out alive. The prisoners just… disappear one night.

Ooh, Timothy is in for a good time in slammer city!

Cellmates continues the path of Monsters becoming something of a halfway grown-up anthology show, and this one boasts some fairly interesting special effects.

I mean, the whole thing is quite ludicrous, as the main “monster” is basically a melted puddle of white stuff with a phallic protrusion designed in such a way that I am convinced the people that did that had to be trolling. However, the overall effect still works in a fairly gruesome manner, considering the overall budgetary limitations of this show.

Maxwell Caulfield ramps up the scenery chewing as this over the top unlikable bastard that is so much fun to root against, while the remaining cast members also put up a pretty solid performance to produce an episode that still feels grounded and even frightening in spite of the caricature that is Timothy.

The pacing manages to keep the momentum going to the very end without faltering much. While the prison cells look a lot like a cheap film set, the overall lighting and camerawork all come together to produce a frightening kind of atmosphere for the story to take place in.

All in all, this is easily one of the strongest episodes in all three seasons of the show, mostly because it works in every way that counts.

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