It’s Gotta Be You by Saffron Blu
Nice guy on the cover, but I can barely recall a thing about the story.
Nice guy on the cover, but I can barely recall a thing about the story.
The chef may be a daddy, hard to be sure, but the heroine is a whiny baby, that’s for sure.
The truth may be revealed! Who cares. Disney themselves spoiled this show ages ago.
Dungeon crawling by making random choices. What is this, 1982?
They say don’t spoil this movie, so you know what? I will!
Nope, still no signs of intelligent life in this movie.
Is it possible to die of cringe overdose? Watching this, I almost believe it is.
The name may be love, but the deed is deliciously tawdry and trashy.
The interminable second season finally ends. Let me drink something strong before I move on.
All this nonsense just for a woman to get laid. Present year, hello. Just download an app!