Jezebel and the Egghead by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
Wacky, wacky, wacky, but where’s the substance?
Wacky, wacky, wacky, but where’s the substance?
Refusal to talk is the agenda of the day, and it’s painful.
Okay hero, annoying heroine. Kind of like most romance novels out there.
What a nice sleeping aid!
Ugh, can someone do me a favor and shoot the hero in his genitalia?
The story is solid, but the execution could be better.
The brats masquerading as the hero and the heroine are really obnoxious.
It is not exactly tantalizing, but it will do.
The characters’ chemistry makes this otherwise predictable tale most enjoyable.
Ugh, this is what happens when nitwits go wild.