A Little Scandal by Patricia Cabot
It’s a lot of crazy, but not much of a story.
It’s a lot of crazy, but not much of a story.
While this one isn’t anything I’ve never read before, it certainly warms the heart. But the hero, ugh.
Both lead characters need to eat some explosives.
Ooh, this one can make the heart bleed. Potent stuff.
This is one example of arty-farty done right. Nice and stylish without sacrificing substance.
Ooh, a chick-lit story that doesn’t make me feel nauseous!
The romance is pretty good until the author decides to do plot stuff to it. Oh well.
This one won’t have much substance, but it’s fun all the way to the finish line.
Watching this one breaks my heart, because it’s so epic and awesome.
The main characters are such ninnies. The title is indeed prophetic.