Swan’s Grace by Linda Francis Lee
The author tries too hard to wring my emotions. I quite resent that.
The author tries too hard to wring my emotions. I quite resent that.
Hot hero, annoying big miscommunication issues.
This one is already skating on thin ice when it comes to dull, perfect characters.
This low-rent sequel assembles a third-rate version of the cast in the original movie. So much cringe to give!
This one has humor, sass, love, and some suspense all in one. Yay!
This one really should’ve been a straight-up fantasy story. The romance holds it back.
The Amazon! Well, there’s not much fun here when Jesus clearly disapproves of naughty shenanigans.
The heroine’s stupidity powers her through all kinds of nonsense.
Chance who? If he is so important, why is his love story this average?
Oh god, is this what they call comedy these days? It almost killed me!