Music by Madonna
Madonna continues to go all deep into electronica.
Madonna continues to go all deep into electronica.
This one is absurd enough to be somewhat amusing, but absurd is still absurd.
Another ghost story in a big house. Don’t live in big houses!
The Scream clone franchise stumbles on and on. Just die already!
A rarely used setting – during World War 2 – and the authors just blew it. Sigh.
Ah, the bittersweet memories of corrupted youth… and other nonsense like that.
This one has more passion and romance, so I like it better than the last book.
This one is like a bad imitation of a VC Andrews story. More camp needed.
This one is quite the yawner; I’m judging this book by the cover because it’s more fun.
Hello, ladies, he wants to love you long, long time.