To Sin With Scandal by Tamara Gill

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 19, 2023 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Historical

To Sin With Scandal by Tamara GillTamara Gill, $0.99, ISBN 978-1540188786
Historical Romance, 2011

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Tamara Gill’s To Sin With Scandal naturally has a hero called Lord Scandal. Okay, his proper name is Lord Merrick Sedley, and I don’t know which one is better. What’s his title, you ask? Well, it’s the Earl of Moorabbin.

Lord Scandal, Lord Sedley, or Moorabbin… this is one of the most anguished eff, marry, kill games ever. Why can’t he be a famous butcher so that we can call him Lord Deboner instead?

Anyway, our heroine Miranda Fitsimmon is well aware of him. Eight years ago, she had his pee-pee in her hand, ready to let him take her virtue because he asked her so immodestly, until they were interrupted by the voice of her mother looking for her.

Of course, she rather foolishly assumed that he wanted to sleep with her because he would marry her after they were done. She knows better now, but perhaps she’s no wiser, as she still wants him to finish what he started all those years ago.

We can’t end this story with the heroine ruined and embarrassed, so Sadly Morerabbit is conveniently enough looking for a wife just as she is looking for a hot hump.

Now, the narrative is fine and even graceful at times, so I can only wonder whether the author could certainly do better, but decided to write something like this for some quick pocket money.

She’s slumming here, because the story itself is hardly worthy of her. After all, it’s not much of a romance when Randy Mirandy is ready to take it anywhere and everywhere, regardless of the hero’s intentions, and it is just pure lucky happenstance that Morerabbit decides that she’d make a good wife for him once the hump is done. 

So, in the end, the author clearly can do better, I deserve better, and frankly, we are all better than this rather sorry-ass tale of two horny people taking whatever flimsy excuse they can find to bump and grind. Sure, it may be the best three seconds of their lives, but I think my time is better spent reading some other story, any other story.

Mrs Giggles
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