Confessions of a Werewolf Supermodel by Ronda Thompson
Now, here’s an unexpectedly fun read. I never knew the author had it in her!
Now, here’s an unexpectedly fun read. I never knew the author had it in her!
Not much pleasure to be had here.
The main characters, especially the hero, are so dumb. Screw them!
The author channels Amanda Ashley more than anything, so prepare to get a heroine full of cringe.
Good grief, more dim-witted heroines from this author. Will she ever stop?
What is the author trying to do? Raise my blood pressure to lethal levels?
How to write stories that can cause diabetes and maybe a heart attack.
The heroine’s ridiculously selfless nature makes her easy picking for the asshole hero. There goes my blood pressure!
The author wants to be the proud holder of the worst scores on this website, I imagine.
The heroine pushes the meaning of “imbecile” to dizzying new heights, and a hero with no redeeming feature. I’d rather die.