Square Deal (1989)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 16, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Square Deal (1989) - The Hitchhiker Season 5Main cast: Michael Ontkean (Gordon Brooks), Caroline Chaniolleau (Rosette), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Bruno Gantillon

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Despite coming from a wealthy family, Gordon Brooks enjoys stealing and swindling his way into getting what he wants. After all, why work when there are short cuts that one can take, after all?

Well, in Square Deal, this fellow will learn that he’s messing with the wrong people, as he ends up going against people that are far more accomplished in such games.

In a way, it’s a relief to realize that this episode keep things simple. No abrupt introduction of woo-woo stuff, no gratuitous sleaze, no over-complicating things—this is a fairly straightforward episode that introduces Gordon and then sets apart to tear down his house of cards.

However, it’s pretty easy to actually stay ahead of the main character when it comes to guessing correctly at the twists and turns of the episode.

Furthermore. Michael Ontkean is tad too wooden for a character that is supposed to ooze charm. The rest of the cast is pretty wooden too, and there is a “Italian horror film dubbed in robotic English” quality to the whole episode; just replace Italian with French. Have anyone on this show ever addressed why everyone is speaking English in a French setting?

Anyway, this is a pretty typical, cut and dry average episode of this show: plodding and predictable, but at least it’s free from the worst qualities of the worst episodes of this show. That makes it indeed a Square Deal, but when it comes to this show, beggars can’t be too choosy.

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