Scorned (2014)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on January 20, 2017 in 2 Oogies, Film Reviews, Genre: Crime & Thriller

Scorned (2014)
Scorned (2014)

Main cast: AnnaLynne McCord (Sadie), Billy Zane (Kevin), Viva Bianca (Jennifer), and Doug Drucker (Escaped Convict)
Director: Mark Jones

Sadie believes that she is in love with Kevin, and that weekend, Kevin will propose. Her BFF Jennifer points out that Sadie has only been seeing Kevin for a few months, but Sadie is convinced that he is the one for her. And then, during that weekend getaway, Sadie unsuspectingly stumbles upon Kevin’s phone, and discovers his saucy messages to Jennifer. The two of them are having an affair! Unfortunately for the cheating lovebirds, Sadie is not exactly… stable, let’s just say, and she soon has those two all trussed up, ready for her violet kind of vengeance.

That’s basically the whole thing in Scorned, which is about 90 minutes of a crazy woman doing her best to inflict pain on the two people who have wronged her. AnnaLynne McCord is actually pretty good as a crazy woman, with her going just about over the top right without being too much, if I am making sense here. Billy Zane is playing another ham again, while Viva Bianca tries her best to keep up with Ms McCord – only her role is nowhere as colorful as Sadie, alas.

While the movie has some amusing moments of dark and wry humor, it however drags on and on after a while. One and a half hour is too long a running time for a script that does not succeed in sustaining its momentum. It is not long before everything starts to feel repetitive and boring, and I find myself waiting impatiently for the movie to end as it limps past the one hour mark.

At the end of the day, this one is better off as a half-hour or one-hour episode in an anthology TV series than a movie in its own right.

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