Moonlust by Kallysten

Posted by Mrs Giggles on January 26, 2010 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

Moonlust by Kallysten
Moonlust by Kallysten

Samhain Publishing, $3.50, ISBN 978-1-60504-885-7
Sci-fi Erotica, 2010

I know Kallysten has had a pretty large number of stories published with Alinar Publishing, so despite Moonlust being her debut effort with this publisher, she’s not exactly a new author. I don’t believe she has ever written a gay ménage à trois story before, though, but don’t quote me on that.

Captain Kar, his navigator Jay, and Will who does something (I’m sure) are three randy men on the spaceship Danaus. When the story opens, Kar is trying to conduct a trade with a customer while Jay and will make out just behind him. Sigh, this is going to be one of those stories. Jay and Will seem to be making out non-stop all the time, I’m surprised the Danaus doesn’t just spiral into some black hole as a result. The rest of this space sex-opera revolves around Jay and Will being so ridiculously impertinent and rude that they actually begin to grate on my nerves, so obsessed with sex that they soon lure Kar into their games as well.

Trying to figure out which man is doing what to the other man while being done by the remaining man… ahem… does provide some respite from the relentless foolishness and implausible moments, though.

Moonlust is like some cheesy sex romp patterned after, I don’t know, a gay version of Barbarella, perhaps. But unfortunately, Jay and Will irritate me more than anything else with their constantly “on” mode. The humor doesn’t work for me because I’m too busy wincing at those two clowns. The mechanical sex scenes don’t work for me as well, because reading them makes me feel as if I’m trying to solve a differentiation equation. No, Moonlust doesn’t do anything for me, sorry. Maybe next time.

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