Kingdom of the All Seeing by Mono Zero

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 5, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Fantasy & Sci-fi

Kingdom of the All Seeing by Mono ZeroSubversive Books, $0.99, ISBN 978-1005851934
Sci-fi, 2020

oogie 2oogie 2

Ah yes, the pseudonymous Mono Zero’s Kingdom of the All Seeing stars “you”. That’s right, this is a story that places the reader as the main protagonist, but not in a Choose Your Own Adventure way.

Rather, it’s a style commonly used by authors that think this method will somehow make the reader feel more “into” the story and make themselves look smart in the process.

Sadly, this is one narrative device that I typically find unnecessary and pretentious, as more often than not, it doesn’t elevate the story or give any extra enjoyment to the reader. It’s just a gimmick, that’s all, a “I am so very smart, see?” one.

Then again, perhaps this one needs all the gimmicks it can get its hands on, because the actual story is pretty ordinary: “You” join a super secret intelligence organization, OMNISCIENT, and realize, shocker, it’s not all fun and games.

That’s it.

Sure, the story is nothing new, but I feel that, if the author had expanded things, flesh out the setting, and beef up OMNISCIENT, the story could have been something more memorable. In its current form, everything feels glossed over as the story hurtles forward to the finish line, and the overall result feels more like a quarter-baked first draft.

Its cover is the most interesting thing about it, and even that cover concept feels tad played out as well.

Sure, this thing is only $0.99, but honestly, there are far more interesting stories out there going at the same price.

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