In the Bedroom of Medusa by Magen Cubed

Posted by Mrs Giggles on August 30, 2023 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

In the Bedroom of Medusa by Magen CubedMagen Cubed, $3.99, ISBN 979-8201283438
Fantasy Erotica, 2021

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Evelyn Horne is a companion at the Silverado Cigar Lounge. She prefers women in her private life, but when she’s on the job, she’s good at doing whatever her clients pay her to. 

Then, one day, she has an unusual request from a new client.

  1. A black car will arrive at 6:45PM. The Lady Demetria Balaskas will be shown to a private meeting room by her attendant, one Camille Estrada. The Lady will use the back entrance of the club. No other clients or staff will be present or attempt to interact with the Lady.
  2. The Lady will be attended at all times by Ms. Estrada. All payment and scheduling will be arranged by Ms. Estrada.
  3. The Lady expects to be greeted promptly at 7:00PM by Ms. Evelyn Horne.
  4. The Lady will request that Evelyn wears a blindfold. Evelyn will comply. They will negotiate the terms of the session.

This is how she finds herself In the Bedroom of the Medusa.

“I am a dominant, and I do not wish to be touched,” said Demetria. “I will pleasure you with my hands, which will remain gloved at all times. I would like to eat you out, as well, if you agree to that. I will not touch you in any way that you don’t consent to, and I won’t ask you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

Really, though, why does Magen Cubed spoil the story like that with the title?

Then again, maybe that’s the point. Reel those folks in with the fantasy of having a woman’s head full of snakes as hair between the thighs. Oh yes, and she has fangs too. Those snakes are also pretty limber, and Demetria saves a lot by not needing to buy ropes or handcuffs when she wants her victims, er, lovers held in place. 

Now, I’m not attracted to women in a sexual manner, so often my enjoyment of girl-on-girl erotica is more often than not intellectual in nature. Those scenes don’t appeal to me in a visceral manner, but I can enjoy the author’s artistry in filthy talk and evocative descriptions of filthy debauchery if all these were done right.

Oh my, Magen Cubed certainly does those things right here because this story is hot. Yes, there are those snakes and fangs and all, but these scenes manage to include all those things and still be sexy so I can only do my jaded-reader-flummoxed-by-WTH-this-is curtsy to the author.

There is also a nice element of romance to it. Sure, the whole thing feels like a retread of the usual super rich and working class dynamics that have been in vogue since EL James invented BDSM ages ago, but the relationship never feels lopsided or coldly mercenary. 

This romantic aspect is as fully developed as I’d have liked, and I’m still not sure how these two fall in love or even why they fall in love, but then again, this is a naughty story first and foremost, so the romantic parts are just cherry on top of a reptilian-friendly ice cream sundae.

As an erotica, this one works. Even the premise brings to life the mystery and the sexy allure of a seductive stranger that comes calling with promises of pleasure beyond one’s wildest imagination. The author does a good work in building up the anticipation during the initial meeting, and once the going gets going and going and going… ooh my

This one is really fun. I can only wonder what other kind of monstrous romps that the author has in store!

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