Charlotte’s Younger Man by Emily Ryan-Davis

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 5, 2010 in 2 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

Charlotte's Younger Man by Emily Ryan-Davis
Charlotte’s Younger Man by Emily Ryan-Davis

Liquid Silver Books, $3.99, ISBN 978-1-59578-704-0
Paranormal Erotica, 2010

Maybe I’m missing something, but as far as I know, and Google’s search results seem to agree with me, the acronym MILF stands for Mother I’d Love to… er, Frisk. The heroine Charlotte Kelley is not a mother, so the official synopsis is a bit misleading, if you ask me.

Charlotte, who has been going without for six months, attends a pajama party thrown by the client she is representing. Don’t ask. She meets Heath Breck, who is ten years younger than her. They have some kind of instant connection that may be related to some past life they shared together, they have sex, and then it’s the end, leaving me to wonder what it is I have just read.

Simply put, this story is too short to accommodate the paranormal mumbo-jumbo the author has draped the story with. There is not enough room for explanation, so I’m bewildered most of the time. There is no room for romantic or emotional development, and the sex scene is too short and not explicit enough to compensate for this lack. Honestly, I don’t know why this story can’t be longer. At its current length and with its serious lack of substance, I don’t see why anyone should plunk down $3.99 for Charlotte’s Younger Man.

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