Centaur of Attention by CB Archer

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 12, 2019 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

Centaur of Attention by CB Archer
Centaur of Attention by CB Archer

Deep Desires Press, $2.99
Fantasy Erotica, 2018

Wait, there’s a plot in here. A fourth wall-breaking plot with actual characters, oh my god. Someone call the cops on CB Archer!

“That’s corrwect, Hugh! Dominate his cock with your ass and claim it as your prwoperty!” Kaida said as she leapt onto the table and dramatically raised her arms in the air.


And that’s not ableist, alright, because Kaida is a kobold and they all speak that way. Don’t impress your human-centric viewpoint on creatures of all kinds of woo-woo, buster!

We’re back in the College of United Monsters, and this time, we meet Hugh Min, whose sister is clearly a Yeti. He looks human though, hmm. He’s friends with a bunch of cool misfits and, like every nerd in a John Hughes movie, has eyes only for Scott Retariat, a centaur whose “horse cock” is clearly a deterrence to a happily ever after considering that it would likely tear his delicate rosebud apart… or will it? Hmm. His friends encourage him to go pin that horsetail on his ass, however, and that’s how we get to that lovely scene of which that triumphant excerpt is taken from.

Unlike the previous entry in this series, Centaur of Attention is more of a raunchy humorous tale than an outright erotica, but I’m not complaining because this one is a hoot. It’s also a surprisingly adorable homage to those romantic teen flicks of the 1980s with a touch of – just a touch, not too much – John Waters’s brand of satire thrown in. Do I care about these characters? Well, they are fun, and Hugh is adorable without coming off as too much of a stereotype, and the cast of secondary characters are a hoot. The humor is far more self-referential and fourth wall-breaking here, but the whole thing works; it’s more amusing than obnoxious in my opinion.

So yes, the sex isn’t that amazing, but oh my, I really had a good time. I didn’t expect that, so here’s a thumbs up to the author.

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