The Two Faces of Evil (1980)
That’s why you don’t give a ride to weirdos. British people are just too damned nice.
That’s why you don’t give a ride to weirdos. British people are just too damned nice.
Holy ghosty, there’s a lot of overacting in this episode. Maybe that’s where the scares come from?
For an episode with demon summoning, this turns out to be one deadly bore.
This one starts out great, but the tedium begins to settle in and stretch as the episode meanders on and on.
A honeymoon interrupted by monster kids turns out to be the most uninspired case of boredom ever.
This is a terrifying episode, and yet, it is oddly made so fine to watch with Brian Cox turning on the heat just by showing up.
The season and show finale is as disappointing as the entire season. Oh well, another one goes into permanent hiatus!
Putting the leading ladies of the first three A Nightmare on Elm Street movies is the only gimmick that works in this episode.
This is why people shouldn’t mess with weird dolls purchased from central Africa.
What may be terrifying almost forty years ago seem sadly hokey and janky today.