Waltz of Seduction by Natasha Blackthorne
Oh yes, that’s it… that’s it… wait, that’s it?!!
Oh yes, that’s it… that’s it… wait, that’s it?!!
The best cast members are the ones that exited the movie faster than I can say “What, what is this?”
The real prey are the poor souls that watch this thing.
The intriguing premise is wasted because this movie doesn’t know what it wants to be.
If the hero and his four friends do a Voltron, he’d be the arse.
Thank God that He sends people to try to stick it to the heroine, so that she learns that she should love the hero like He wants her to!
I covet more than what this one has to offer.
Will you get down on your knees before the minister on the cover?
Maybe hypnosis can make me believe that this is an awesome film.
These political folks are obsessed with sleeping with people that aren’t their longtime partners. Who voted them in again?