Starlight, Starbright by Saranne Dawson
I like the song by Madonna far better than this book, and I don’t even like that song.
I like the song by Madonna far better than this book, and I don’t even like that song.
Yawn. I expected better.
Wait, haven’t I just read a similar story last time around? Yes, same story, take two.
Be careful of the overly cute lisping monster girl.
Wait, there’s a heroine in this book?
Charming, but played out.
Now this is one debut author who knows how to make the right moves.
Someone thought it was a good idea to let Thea Devine terrify Harlequin Temptation readers.
This one is hokey, corny, frustrating, and at times, gloriously heartbreaking.
This is one movie that is worth a watch, well… once at least. It’s a bleak and raw movie that can really cut deep.