Notorious by Katherine Sutcliffe
Ooh, the hero is a genuine bad boy that can blow anything Anne Stuart can come up with. Nice.
Ooh, the hero is a genuine bad boy that can blow anything Anne Stuart can come up with. Nice.
This mess has its winsome moments, but it’s all over the place.
This supposedly feminist romantic comedy won’t happen if the heroine didn’t look like Penélope Cruz. So much for that, then.
Warning, warning: the hero is a twit and the heroine is a martyr. Cue eye rolls galore.
This one is not every exciting, is it?
Wait, a story by this author that doesn’t make me grit my teeth? Amazing.
So many things are happening here, except for the romance, which is a standstill for the most part.
These people act like they are in a musical or something.
Colleen Collins writes a paranormal suspense thingy, and it’s not so bad, actually.
Short cut psychology and careless reliance on feminine guilt make this one a dull read.