You Made Me Love You by Neesa Hart
This is pure sentimental crap, but it’s a good kind of crap.
This is pure sentimental crap, but it’s a good kind of crap.
Nice cover, nice scenery, boring story.
Bad acting and hammy melodrama make this one a ludicrous mess to behold.
The heroine’s ridiculously selfless nature makes her easy picking for the asshole hero. There goes my blood pressure!
An interesting time (1945) and premise, but nothing spectacular comes out of it.
This one has an interesting plot, but the end result is still on the forgettable side.
Ooh, she’s like a bird who doesn’t know where she is going!
No sophomore slump here – the author turns it up and out for this one.
Oh, is it Christmas already?
Nice couple, terrible story.