Velvet Valentines by Violet Summers

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 17, 2010 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

Velvet Valentines by Violet Summers
Velvet Valentines by Violet Summers

Liquid Silver Books, $5.25, ISBN 978-1-59578-665-4
Contemporary Erotica, 2010

In Velvet Valentines, we meet Elise and Derek Sanders, a perfect couple who are madly in love. When the story opens, however, Elise discovers an invitation from a club called Velvet Ice, requesting “Master Derek” to bring his golden coin to partake his usual room and enjoy the Valentine festivities.

Elise is like, whoa, please don’t tell her she is missing something big here. Derek, who knows what is best for him under such circumstances, confesses that he had been a Dom in the past but he has given up that part of his life for Elise. Far from being placated, Elise is dismayed that he chose to keep such a big part of him a secret from her. She is also convinced that he is not completely honest with himself either about having given up his Dom habits. After all, he hasn’t canceled his membership to Velvet Ice despite claiming that he has stopped going there since he first met Elise.

The more Elise researches the BDSM lifestyle, the more she gets annoyed that both the fellow from Velvet Ice and Derek think that she’s not cut out to be a submissive. She will show them all! On Valentine’s Day, with the help of the romantic doves of Velvet Ice, she is going to become Derek’s date in a special room in that Club. Will she become happily initiated into the lifestyle? Will Derek please her?

The whole initiation into BDSM thing seems way too easy on Elise’s part, especially for someone who until then doesn’t show any overt interest in that kind of activity. Still, I’m not an expert in this kind of thing so you better not quote me on that, heh. The relative ease of Elise getting into the whole BDSM lifestyle aside, the love scenes are as hot as I would expect from Violet Summers. Because our hero and heroine are already in a loving relationship, the romantic aspects of the story are already present in ample amount to complement the erotic elements of the story.

I can’t vouch for the authenticity of the BDSM elements here, but I feel that Velvet Valentines is hot enough as a pretty quick short and sexy read all the same.

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