Three Robots (2019)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on June 5, 2022 in 4 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Love, Death & Robots

Three Robots 2019Main cast: Josh Brener (K-VRC), Gary Anthony Williams (XBOT 4000), and Chris Parnell (The Cat)
Directors: Víctor Maldonado and Alfredo Torres

oogie 4oogie 4oogie 4oogie 4

Three Robots is an episode that makes little sense when I think of it, but what the heck, it’s based off a short story by John Scalzi, so I can’t expect anything profound in the first place.

K-VRC, XBOT 4000, and 11-45-G are three very different types of robots that pay a visit to Earth, at a time when humanity has extinct, for a visit. As 11-45-G puts it, the scenes of death and destruction are exactly like in the brochures, so this is going to be so exciting.

They visit first a high school, then a diner, a computer store, and finally, a nuclear missile base. Wait, a nuclear missile base in the same neighborhood as those other facilities? No wonder humanity is extinct if they had been that bloody daft.

This episode is, at its surface, an excuse to remark on the destructive ways of human beings, brought to everyone by sci-fi authors that decry the destruction to the environments and what not while doing nothing themselves to aid to the cause they are championing. There is an irony of 11-45-G mocking human beings as arrogant for believing that they were the pinnacle of evolution, better than everyone and everything else, as when I take a peek at the things these hilariously self-unaware authors post on social media, it’s obvious these authors are the very things they are mocking.

Nonetheless, this is one entertaining episode thanks to the voice acting by Josh Brener and especially Gary Anthony Williams. 11-45-G is voiced by a computer-generated voice, which works well too because she has some of the most caustic and hilarious lines, and they are voiced in this cold, dispassionate manner—always the best way to give one the middle finger. These three robots are the heart and soul of this episode, elevating an otherwise pretentious story into a hilarious road trip by three very different adorable personalities.

I also love how, after all the pretentious yammering about the destructive ways of humanity, the cause of the extinction of the human race turns out to be something that I always know is evil incarnate: cats.

Perhaps there is a realism to it; perhaps there’s a reason why blue check-marked morons on Twitter and cats tend to go together. Maybe all the scolding, censorious, hypocritical, and always ignorant and wrong yet self-righteous imbeciles on social media, that often boast about being childless and having a few cats for company, are probably mindless puppets controlled by their feline overlords, oh no.

As I mentioned earlier, many things don’t make sense when I think of it, such as why some things still remain pristine and well preserved while others are utterly destroyed. Still, what the heck, the whole thing is a hoot to watch so here are four oogies for this baby.

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