The Variant (2021)
This is a police procedural episode written by someone that has no clue what they are doing.

This is a police procedural episode written by someone that has no clue what they are doing.
Well, this is a more interesting series-starter than the one in that Angry Black Man and the Emo Eeyore show, at least!
Derek Zoolander is old news, a has-been, despite what the movie tries to tell you.
This is the death throes of Jackie Chan’s career as an actor.
It’s exactly what you think you’ll get.
Everything about this movie is so, so, so on point that I can only shower it with love.
What would the world be without America coming to save everybody?
No sure whether it’s the novelty or not, but this dumb movie is actually quite funny.
This one is silly fun, so it does what it sets out to do.
Two of my least favorite actors in a stinking pile of turd. Just lovely.