Burn by Maya Banks
The only thing burned here is my poor brain. Oh, and my money too, let’s not forget that. #BBHMM

The only thing burned here is my poor brain. Oh, and my money too, let’s not forget that. #BBHMM
Billionaire Doms forcing starving damsels into sexual relationships – so romantic!
Fifty shades of incompetence.
All the boring Highland romance clichés your $7.99 can buy!
Never let a complete idiot be the romance hero in a book.
Being entertaining goes some way in making up for the generic nature of this story.
Lying to and using a vulnerable rape survivor – in the name of vigilante justice, sex, and love!
Stop the presses! The heroine ends up with only one bloke in this story!
Campy, cheesy, over the top male machismo – hmm, so good to savor.
Another series? The author still has some unfinished series left in her wake,