How I Stole Her Husband by Liz Ireland
Best title ever for a story, no? The story isn’t anywhere as bad it may seem, don’t worry.

Best title ever for a story, no? The story isn’t anywhere as bad it may seem, don’t worry.
Three ladies in a chick-lit romp. Okay, this one isn’t anything new or groundbreaking, but it works very well regardless.
Silly humor can be good. Silly characters, however, aren’t so good.
This one is more farce than romance, but I’m entertained, and hence, a happy customer.
It’s pretty funny at first, but it becomes tedious and silly soon after.
It was so, so, so good… and then, oops, it stalls and stop going anywhere.
One really stupid story almost ruins the whole anthology.
This one gets by thanks to the author’s sense of humor, and it sure gets by very well indeed.
Two boring books for the price of one half-arsed review!
The hero is an incompetent buffoon, which makes this otherwise enjoyable story a bit of a head-scratcher.