To Claim a Wilde by Kimberly Kaye Terry
Beauty fades, dumb is forever, and books like this are a waste of time and money.

Beauty fades, dumb is forever, and books like this are a waste of time and money.
The author writes like her heart isn’t in it. It’s hard for me to care for the story as a result.
Don’t expect too much, and we’ll all be happier at the end of the day.
Nice low-hanging pants on the cover. I can’t recall a thing about the story.
Beautiful people with awesome skills muddling away their time. Nice.
Everyone goes out of the way to force the heroine to give up her evil big city ways, it’s unnatural. No love from me!
Woman on the run from abusive ex, runs to a ranch… we all know the rest, don’t we?
This one offers just fizzles instead of sizzles.
The heroine is awesome, and the rest… meh. Same old stuff.
No, this one isn’t ass; it has two really good stories out of three.