Love with a Scottish Outlaw by Gayle Callen
This one does nearly everything right, and makes Highland romances feel like a new and wonderful kind of genre for a short while.

This one does nearly everything right, and makes Highland romances feel like a new and wonderful kind of genre for a short while.
Overplotted and underdeveloped. Still, the cover is kind of pretty.
This isn’t the most exciting or refreshing thing ever, but it may just be a decent comfort read.
Good lord, another imbecile heroine. Is this going to be a pattern?
The lord next door is married to an insane drama queen. Poor guy.
Well, his stupidity sure makes him out of the ordinary.
Ah, the joys of marrying a submissive brown cow…
These two brats, they will never last.
There’s more bother than hotness here.
Hey, it’s the jerk and the martyr doing the same old song and dance!