Deep Rising (1998)
Tentacles and a titanic lack of logic.

Tentacles and a titanic lack of logic.
A slow-motion snoozefest that makes you wish for the sweet release of a Death Star blast.
This isn’t the best superhero movie around, but it doesn’t deserve its swift and painful death on the box office.
The story of how the Rock killed DCEU is more interesting than this generic cape schlock.
My god, why isn’t that horrid daughter killed off yet?
I’m starting to suspect that there is a conspiracy in Hollywood to turn feminism into joke.
Always bet on the real deal; the original Captain Marvel is so much better than the recent Disney version.
Marvel’s very own Superman is here. Thanos isn’t the only deus ex machina in this universe!
How to tame your kraken, the re-beginning.
This is a clunky but entertaining kind of ridiculous fare. It’s not bad at all, but it could also be better.