Another Man’s Treasure by Dee Tenorio
Curvy lady wins over hateful skinny blonde bitches and snares the hot guy! Now we fatties can stop crying into our bon-bons.

Curvy lady wins over hateful skinny blonde bitches and snares the hot guy! Now we fatties can stop crying into our bon-bons.
Elevator sex is the cure for marital woes? Hmm.
The author is jumping on the werewolf bandwagon a little behind the pack. Everything here’s been done before!
Silly kids are so tedious to read about.
This one is silly, but it makes me happy.
This is an alright kind of soap opera. I’m fine with it, but I’m not alight with excitement or anything.
Meh, I don’t buy the hero as long term material.
Baby and sperm donor drama, oh my.
This one is so cute, I can’t resist. Winner!
The heroine is a twit, but what the heck, I’ve had fun so… yay!