The Woman in Black (2012)
Harry Potter manages to make me all choked up inside. Who would have thought?

Harry Potter manages to make me all choked up inside. Who would have thought?
I’m still shocked by just how much this movie sucker-punched me in the gut.
Box office poison Ryan Gosling is back to put those Eeyore eyes to good use: adding one more bomb to his CV.
Another episode with a solid cast wasted completely on a tired, sad story.
If you were too virtuous to peek at Jennifer Lawrence’s nude pics when they were leaked a while back, she obligingly gets naked here for you.
This is quite the ride, although the plot is dumb and the villain is meh. DC is Marvel now, fam!
Cartoon of the century! Feminist films for future social justice warriors!
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring.
The cast saves an otherwise lackluster movie from being forgettable.
I never knew a stupid woman almost started a drug war in Ireland!