Off-Season by Carol Lynne
This is alright, but I’m getting overdosed on this author.

This is alright, but I’m getting overdosed on this author.
Ugh, this is pointless drivel even for this author.
Wait, does this author not sleep? She is churning out new throwaway fluff every other week.
Who knows hot boy on boy can be this dull…
This one is trashy and boring, but there is some glimmers of camp. Have the author bounded back?
This one isn’t too bad, but it is so sappy that it can turn one diabetic.
Wait, what is this about again?
No joke, this one is actually pretty decent.
These guys stick their fingers in bungholes and then shake other people’s hands. Without washing first. Ugh, not nice!
How disappointing. Where is the campy train wreck I wanted? This one is just bland.