Striptease (1989)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 23, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Striptease (1989) - The Hitchhiker Season 5Main cast: John Glover (Miles Duchet) and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Gerard Ciccoritti

oogie 2oogie 2

I want to take a break from this show and this website today, but the nagging voice at the back of my mind tells me that there are still many episodes to go. If I slack, I’d still be stuck with this show by the end of the year.

So here I am, in the dark hell that I have put myself into when I thought it’d be fun to watch and review this show. What was I thinking back then? Maybe I wasn’t as sober as I thought I was at that time…

Anyway, let’s just get on with this.

Mr Hitchhiker says in his opening bookend segment of Striptease that Miles Duchet is a man driven to bitterness by having no friends for so long, but I don’t know. It seems to me that the fellow may have sensory issues, as he seems to be driven to extreme distraction by the sounds in his printing press workplace.

Then again, our protagonist still manages to be mean and horrible to the people around him, so much so that when he threatens suicide, again, his ex at the other end of the line is like yeah, yeah, she has problems too, just get on with it, bye. He also assaults random strangers when his temper gets the better of him, and gets trashed for his efforts.

Unsurprisingly, he is an artist. Sadly, his paintings don’t sell, so he has to slum with people he considers beneath him. The people he tries to cozy up with, on the other hand, treat him with barely concealed disdain.

This clown decides to try to reconnect with his friend Charlie, who is a big fellow in the art circles, in hopes of restarting his career. Charlie moves in the same circles as ex Marla (they are all in the same circles), ignoring the fact that he is never invited to the party and he’s actually crashing it and making the others look at him with the stankiest faces that even stank.

Why am I even watching this thing again?

Worst of all, the only halfway likable character dies at the end of this episode to prolong Miles’s misery at the end. Then again, she likes Miles, so perhaps it’s best she departs the world before the rest of her brain rots as well.

At any rate, John Glover does a good job as a mentally unstable asshole that makes me want to commit acts of violence on that character, but this whole episode is a pointless waste of time, one that tries to be so much smarter than it actually is.

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