One Way Ticket (1997)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 27, 2020 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Twisted Tales

One Way Ticket (1997) - Twisted Tales Season 1

Main cast: Richard Roxburgh (Ben), Claudia Karvan (Cassie), and Bryan Brown (The Host)
Director: Michael Offer

The newspaper headlines scream that someone has escaped from the mental asylum, so naturally, Cassie has to be wandering around late at night. Of course, it rains, and of course, someone chases after her, and she runs down to the subway station where she learns that there are no trains until morning. She persuades station manager Ben to let her stay in his office until the rain stops. He’s wet, he’s out of breath, and he asks intrusive questions about her, so gee, where can this story lead to, hmm?

There is a great suspenseful story in One Way Ticket, and the two cast members are excellent. Then again, Richard Roxburgh and Claudia Karvan are always reliable actors, and Mr Roxburgh can ham things up without becoming too over the top most of the time. Hence, there is a nice are-they-aren’t-they feel to this story. Honestly, though, the twist isn’t that hard to guess when one has seen enough of stories of this sort, but still, the cast elevates the material a lot.

However, this episode tries to do too much in its compressed running time, and as a result, everything feels poor developed and rushed. If this episode is the train ride Cassie wants to get on, then it’s one that goes from one point to another while skipping a few pertinent stops along the way. Maybe had this been an hour-long episode, it would have flowed better, but in its current form, it just feels choppy and unsatisfying.

Well, this is the final episode of Twisted Tales, and I have to say, the whole thing has been one very mixed bag. I still have no idea what this series wants to be at this point, aside from just wanting to be like some other anthology shows out there, and it is this lack of strong identity that will always make it a forgettable one in my book. Like the entire series, this episode has potential, but still manages to miss the mark somehow. The only good thing about this series, I guess, is that I get to watch Bryan Brown looking all smoldering and sexy while saying things in that charming accent of his.

Anyway, this episode—and this series—is done, and given what a big whatever everything has been, it’s time for me to move on to another show.

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