New Blood (1991)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 29, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

New Blood (1991) - The Hitchhiker Season 6Main cast: Rae Dawn Chong (Leesa White), Didier Sauvegrain (Varsig), Joanna Pavlis (Consuela), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Joel Farges

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No, not Rae Dawn Chong too! The number of familiar and even beloved faces showing up on this show is depressing. Still, New Blood is the final season of The Hitchhiker, so it will no longer haunt poor desperate actors’ memories and cause shame from now on.

Ms Chong is Leesa White, a theater actress that is willing to sell her soul to be part of this show, er, an edgy show called Songs of Despair. Sadly, she is laughed out of the room during her audition.

The director, Varsig, insists that she’s not right for the role because she doesn’t understand the true meaning of despair and darkness. Well, is she willing to do what it takes to be part of the troupe, no matter what?

Now, Varsig and friends play up their whole edgy camp vibes so much that I’d be very surprised if nobody guessed that they were vampires. Worse, they are the campy, manic kind of vampires that are hard to take seriously, because they push the boundary of camp and cliché right into self parody territory.

Rae Dawn Chong is playing a bad actor here, but the thing is, Lessa actually comes off as the best actor in the entire episode. Maybe that’s intentional, although I doubt this show is that clever.

At any rate, this whole episode is full of cringe-bad acting and a dumb script that somehow suggests that being turned into a vampire is a bad thing. I mean, becoming one of these vampires is a terrifying fate, yes, but again, I doubt this show is that clever. Being forever young and hot… a bad thing? Oh, please.

So yes, this is a dumb episode that will probably has Rae Dawn Chong wishing she can erase from, if not existence, her IMDB entry, but hey, it’s also the final episode ever of this show.

With this, I’m now free of this show for good! I’ll certainly miss the sight of Page Fletcher’s butt cheeks rubbing against one another in the opening credit sequence, but this show has long outlived its expiry date, and it’s now time to put its rotting carcass down into the ground for good. Time to move on, people!

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