My Raptor, Until November by Cara B Connor

Posted by Mrs Giggles on July 6, 2023 in 1 Oogie, Book Reviews, Genre: Erotica

My Raptor, Until November by Cara B ConnorCara B Connor, $0.99, ISBN 978-1501400988
Fantasy Erotica, 2014

oogie 1

Yes, yes, the cover just says My Raptor, but everything inside this thing and the book product page all refer to it as My Raptor, Until November. I’m not sure why the title on the cover is like that. Maybe Cara B Connor decided to add the “Until November” part only after the cover was all done, and it’d cost extra to somehow squeeze in the extra words without obscuring the VPL of the cover model.

Oh, and don’t ask me where the raptor is on the cover. Maybe that explains the VPL…

Okay, I’m kidding. Most people may be like me, thinking that the raptor is more of a velociraptor and this one is going to be some dinosaur porn. Actually, the raptor is more of the bird of prey sort—the falcon. Wait, does that mean that dead fur thing behind Mr VPL is supposed to be wings of a falcon?

TODAY WAS A REGULAR old day, just like any other. Carol West walked home from work along the same old trail that she had walked every day for the past few years. Her long brown hair bounced about as she walked along the bumpy pathway. It was a shortcut to her apartment building that several people used when walking back from town. It was fairly well lit and safe which is exactly why she used it since she was fairly shy and not outgoing in any way.

Okay, this thing is written like it’s a kiddie book. Oh my god, is this one of those sexually explicit kiddie books that are all the rage in the kid’s section of American librarians these days? I’ve always been curious to see what one is like.

Except, sadly, Carol finds a wounded falcon, eventually learns that he can become a hot naked man, and they talk and do things that are not sexy. Hello, where is the sexy stuff? I am told this is an erotica, so when is the bird going to get into the heroine?

I turn the pages, frown as I realize I am close to reaching the last page and I haven’t even seen anything that doesn’t go above PG rating, and then, finally, the heroine wanks off the hero in about two short paragraphs and it’s the end.

Wait, is this some kind of teaser for a far longer story? Where is… what the…

This whole thing is like an aborted PG-rated shifter romance that the author had a hard time trying to write, so she just gave up, slap a short wank scene, and called it an erotica. It’s pure “Are you kidding me?” material and has the dubious distinction of making me feel extremely cheated out of my money even if the cover price was only $0.99.

So, to sum things up: the author should be ashamed of marketing this thing as an erotica, and for the love of god, not everything one writes should be put up for sale. An erotica? Here’s me flipping the bird at the bird.

Mrs Giggles
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