Homebodies (1987)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on April 22, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Homebodies (1987) - The Hitchhiker Season 4Main cast: Christopher Collet (Jimmy), Jim McMullin (Bill O’Mell), Melissa Brennan (Denise O’Mell), James Remar (Ron), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Carl Schenkel

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Wow, after all this while I’m familiar enough with Page Fletcher’s rear end, but in the opening sequence of Homebodies, he’s sporting a nice husband-sized bulge on the front too.

Okay, he’s not packing like the lads in the old show The Dukes of Hazzard, and his clothes are suspiciously dry for a sequence taking place under heavy rain, but I’ll take what I can get. James Remar and Christopher Collet are wetter than he is in that scene, and these two have been inside a vehicle all this while. Maybe Mr Fletcher’s contract has a “wet and sexy” clause, bummer.

Homebodies is a weird episode, mostly because the twist seems to appear out of nowhere with little build-up or tease, making it seem a lot like an ass-pull.

Up to that point, this one is about Jimmy and Ron, two fellows that have just broken out of prison and are on their way to a house which Jimmy claims contains a safe full of money.

Along the way, Ron demonstrates that he’s the silent and violent type, happily shooting anyone is his way.

Jimmy… oh my god, he just won’t shut up even when Ron threatens to kill him unless he does so. This character is very, very annoying, and he’s designed to be that way.

I suspect the show can’t figure out how it wants the audience to respond to Jimmy, because after making Jimmy so annoying that I am actually rooting for Ron to kill him, it then tries to pull a 180 and redeem Jimmy. You see, the house he leads them to is home to a nice family, the O’Mells, and they claim that they have no idea about the safe and they don’t even have any money. Ron naturally goes all violent, and Jimmy tries only to be a useless twat still.

So, basically, Jimmy annoys me to no end all the way to the end, making me actually root for the designated villain, and then comes the out-of-nowhere twist and a comedic ending that is nothing like the rest of the episode in terms of tone.

This episode feels like there are several key scenes rudely cut. Perhaps it’s meant to be viewed a few times to understand whatever deeper meaning it may have, but really now, I will need to get paid a lot of money to sit through Jimmy in this episode again!

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