Dark Wishes (1989)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 2, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Dark Wishes (1989) - The Hitchhiker Season 5Main cast: Tammy Lauren (Ashlyn), Consuelo De Haviland (Regine), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: John Laing

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Ashlyn is the live-in nurse to the wealthy couple Regine and Henri, tending to the very ill Regine. Regine is generally nice to Ashlyn, in that somewhat patronizing way rich people display toward their help, but so far, this job ain’t bad. Naturally, Ashlyn just has to have the hots for Henri and will do anything to have him… even risk her body and soul by turning to dark magic.

Well, this episode isn’t called Dark Wishes for nothing, you know.

Yes, this is another episode with an American in France causing all kinds of trouble. The fifth season of The Hitchhiker: hard at work playing its part to cement US and France diplomatic relations since 1989.

Ashlyn, that dear, is such a silly putz. Regine is dying. Henri clearly has the hots for her. All she needs to do is to ply on the sexy charms to the husband and convince him to divorce the wife. How hard is that, anyway?

No, she has to be impatient and resort to woo-woo powder to off Regine and get Henri ASAP.

I’m repeating myself here but yikes, this episode is so, so predictable just like too many episodes of this show. The twist ending is telegraphed too early and obviously, especially from the characters’ conversations that practically hit the audience in the head with foreshadowing, and the acting all around is wooden and not entertaining at all to watch.

There is a bit more naughtiness in this episode, but it’s still a far cry from the old days of this show, and honestly, the people involved in these scenes aren’t pretty enough to be worth sitting through this episode just to get to those lame scenes.

All in all, this one feels like a reject Lifetime script that even those people deem unworthy to be re-titled Psycho Nurse or The Wrong Nurse. It’s still better than the previous episode, but still, yikes.

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