Culture Shock (2019)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on November 5, 2021 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Into the Dark

Culture Shock (2019)Main cast: Martha Higareda (Marisol), Richard Cabral (Santo), Barbara Crampton (Betty), Felipe de Lara (Oscar Molina), Creed Bratton (Attwood), and Shawn Ashmore (Thomas)
Director: Gigi Saul Guerrero

Culture Shock is made during the days of President Orange Man Bad, a time when Hollywood pulls no punches condemning everything American because, oh no, there is a Republican president now. Then again, that place only gets woke whenever a Republican takes a seat in the White House, because we all know America magically becomes the perfect place again when that cretin is properly ousted and a Democrat rightfully takes their place.

Hence, I actually recommended a few dozen Mexicans to take the trip to the America a while back, because we all know with President Brandon now in charge, there is now open borders, no more walls, no more children in cages, and certainly none of this The Matrix-style weird torture as Gigi Saul Guerrero and the billionaires behind Blumhouse Production valiantly defy mainstream conventions to bring to light. All the benevolent Hollywood social justice crusaders will hire these new citizens to clean their toilets open their doors of their mansions in their gated communities to house these new citizens of the United States of America, and socialism will finally be achieved. Hollywood will lead the way.

Honestly, I don’t know why more of the world don’t let more Mexicans enter for free. They all look like models, fit and hot, always clean even in the dankest environment, and they speak perfect English. I’m sure some countries could use some infusion of such blessed genes into their population.

Anyway, poor pregnant Marisol has to find her way into the US, because unlike President Brandon, the tyrant Orange Man Bad doesn’t roll out a red carpet and offer a chauffeur to everybody that wants to come over to the country. There is plenty of drama about refugees and immigrants denied entry because of those oppressive need for proper documentation and protocol, those horrible ways they herd these people off to rooms and torture them, even subjecting them to some simulation to see how well they will acclimatize to American culture. Terrible, truly horrifying, the stuff true horror is made of.

There is really nothing here other than heavy-handed anvils on one’s head about the ghastly things that can happen to people when they try to enter America illegally—horrors that never occur in other countries in this world. Thank goodness the right President is now in charge, and there are no more such heinous crimes taking place down south of the country. Anyone can now waltz freely into America to make lots of money, and thank god for that.

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