Cave Man (1993)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on February 8, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Tales from the Cryptkeeper

Cave Man (1993) - Tales from the Cryptkeeper Season 1Main cast: Dominic Zamprogna (Peter), George Buza (Dr Orwell), William Colgate (Professor Perry), and John Kassir (The Crypt Keeper)
Director: Laura Shepherd

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Many people believe that the busiest time of the Chinese New Year season was the first two days, when people went around visiting one another and all. Actually, that’s not entirely true. The whole season spans 15 days, and it’s the later half of this period that sees people bustling around doing all kinds of prayers and rituals to appease both the living, the dead, and the deities. With me barely have any time to do much these days, what better way to unwind than to subject myself to an episode of Tales from the Cryptkeeper and be annoyed, right?

Fortunately, Cave Man is one of the better episodes, so phew.

It’s a familiar story of a boy that befriends an unworldly thing that helps him turn the tables on the bad guys, which can be bullies, the establishment, or anything else that stands in the way of kiddie domination of the world.

In this episode, Peter is unhappy because his father Professor Perry is constantly bullied by the man’s superior, Dr Orwell, and as a result, both father and son are missing out on some precious bonding time,

Well, Peter decides to cause trouble like most angry boys are wont to do, only he accidentally triggers the defrosting of a caveman specimen in the lab. Yay, so now he has a caveman friend. The two both, they go to theme parks and what not, but soon, Dr Orwell is back to cause more trouble. Gee, will the caveman save the day?

Sure, this one won’t break any new grounds as far as giving a fresh spin on old tropes is concerned, but it’s a shockingly well paced episode, considering how much filler were present in the past few episodes. There aren’t many scenes here that feel stretched out just to fill up screen time, and while Peter has this very annoying voice… well, kids. They are only cute when one is related to them… most of the time.

What I find really intriguing is the ending, which, for a kiddie movie, is pretty dark, worthy of the more adult version of this show.  This is pretty amusing, considering that, up to that point, this is also one of the fluffiest episodes in the show—full of kiddie bonding and what not.

If one has to really watch an episode of this show, probably because a puppy a die if they won’t or something, Cave Man is definitely one of the better options to consider.

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