The Buzzkill (2018)
The last episode of this season… and the last one forever! The series won’t be missed.

The last episode of this season… and the last one forever! The series won’t be missed.
Oh look, it’s yet another eye-rolling mess of an episode in this series. Who financed this thing again?
A Mr Bean-wannabe gets what he deserves in this rather pointless episode.
Bobcat Goldthwait thinks you’re a body-shaming racist. Like all fake woke Hollywood types, he’s projecting.
What’s worse than an episode with four kiddie leads? One written by an old man who has no clue how kids act and talk.
There is some really awful singing and dancing here, holy crap.
Oh gasp! Orange Man Bad is really a monster, y’all!
This series-opener features an angry homicidal cartoon bear. Okay.