Sounds Like (2006)
This is the best episode of the two seasons. No question about it.
This is the best episode of the two seasons. No question about it.
Well, color me surprised that it took them this long to come up with a lame vampire story.
Oh my god, Norm from Cheers is a serial killer!
The second season kicks off with a director who has long lost his way. Oh boy.
Kids that can’t act, script that doesn’t make sense, and an episode that doesn’t work at all. Oh, joy.
Is it a dream or a nightmare or reality or just gas from the episode people’s rear end? Deep.
Appropriately enough, the last episode goes full meta on everyone.
This episode has no payoff. There are some nice shirtless dude scenes though.
This is a pretty generic filler episode that, nonetheless, has a cast that camp it up just enough to make things interesting.
I really like the female protagonist, but the episode weirdly enough chooses to be suspense-free.