Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge (2014)
Video game adaptations tend to be awful, and this low-budget thing with a D-grade cast is bound to be bad, right? Of course it is.
Video game adaptations tend to be awful, and this low-budget thing with a D-grade cast is bound to be bad, right? Of course it is.
This movie is a reboot, completely ruined by that brain damaged bimbo who is responsible for every single mess in this movie.
Two hundred tornadoes hit a town all at the same time (or so it seems), things get blown up, inconsequential characters die. Business as usual.
This Marvel adaptation is the one I have been looking forward to the most, so of course it has to disappoint me the most too.
Cartoon of the century! Feminist films for future social justice warriors!
Yes, it’s Hercules. This is, simply put, one of the most enjoyable average flicks I’ve come across in a while.
Out come the apes wielding machine guns and going kung-fu banzai on everyone’s asses, and everything begins to feel truly special.
A musical slasher flick? Yes please. This particular musical slasher flick? No, thanks – I’d rather not.
How nice, the director does his best to make sure that I don’t care even a little about these people and their story.
The clarity of the messages in the book comes through despite the script laboring to pass off John Green as Nicholas Sparks.