No One Lives (2012)
It’s official: Luke Evans is born to play sexy, deranged psychopaths.
It’s official: Luke Evans is born to play sexy, deranged psychopaths.
The franchise metamorphosis into ludicrous live action cartoon is now complete. Oh god, can it die off now?
The most terrifying thing about this dud is how much of a failure it is as a horror movie.
Scarlett Johansson really needs to talk to her agent about picking watchable sci-fi flicks to headline in.
This one is almost a good video nasty kind of movie. Almost – too bad much of it is botched execution.
Say bye bye to fun and joy when you sit down to watch this one.
Why remake a perfectly fine animated movie, only to make everything look awkward with live motion acting?
Neither scary nor thought-provoking, this bumbling sci-fi flick fails to give me excitement, much less life.
Take some Predators-style drama, add a giant gorilla, and stir in liberal doses of violence and voila!
If you have seen the trailer, you have basically watched the whole movie already.