Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
You must really love Ryan Gosling’s Eeyore expression in order to enjoy this one, as you’d be getting an excessive amount of that.

You must really love Ryan Gosling’s Eeyore expression in order to enjoy this one, as you’d be getting an excessive amount of that.
This is what you get when directors start thinking too highly of their mediocrity.
It’s the same as the first movie, only with twice as much of the bad.
This is a live action cartoon flick, right?
For a heist movie, this one isn’t very good at stealing my affections or even attention.
Why do these people keep remaking Stephen King’s books into movies? Can we just accept that his works are not meant for the visual medium?
Murderous wife terrorizing even hardened gangsters! Don’t be too eager, though – this one never lives up to its premise.
The only monster you can see here is Bryce Johnson’s… which may not be a bad thing, considering.
I may be annoyed by how this movie butchers Chinese superstition and language if it was competent.
I expected worse, honestly, after seeing the dreadful trailer and movie poster. And there are so many pretty men with square jaws!